Mindful Eating Books

Mindful Eating Books

Some of the best books out there are about healthy eating and techniques to successfully overcome emotional eating. As statistics show that more people are suffering from an eating disorder there has never been a better time to involve eating with the practice of mindfulness.

Using this type of thoughtful approach its easy to find mindful ways to adopt a mindful eating program to stop binge eating while still living with the joy of eating. Once you learn the concepts of intuitive eating practices from some of the books I recommend you will adopt a positive eating mindset and an overall state of unapologetic eating and learning to keep it the rest of your life in a sustainable way.

It’s good to keep in mind that you’re not only controlling weight but abolishing poor eating habits of mindless eating that attack your healthy body image, increase heart disease, and those poor habits of eating ultimately decrease the quality of life and shorten peoples lifespan.

So, the good news is by applying some new food rules through these mindful practices taught in these intuitive eating books, you will become an intuitive eater and obtain the healthiest weight you’ve probably ever seen.

Let us now take a look at the best book recommendations on the different aspects of mindful and intuitive eating principles. These aren’t just casual reading, they act more like an intuitive eating workbook packed with life changing knowledge.

Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food (Revised Edition by Jan Chozen Bays

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Whether you are overweight, suffer from an eating disorder, or just want to get more out of life, this book offers a simple tool that can transform your relationship with food into one of ease and delight.

Food. It should be one of life’s great pleasures, yet many of us have such a conflicted relationship with it that we miss out on that most basic of satisfactions. But it is possible—and not really all that difficult—to reclaim the joy of eating, according to Dr. Jan Bays.

Mindfulness is the key. Her approach involves bringing one’s full attention to the process of eating—to all the tastes, smells, thoughts, and feelings that arise during a meal. She shows you how to:

• Tune into your body’s own wisdom about what, when, and how much to eat

• Eat less while feeling fully satisfied

• Identify your habits and patterns with food

• Develop a more compassionate attitude toward your struggles with eating

• Discover what you’re really hungry for

This book also includes a link to a 75-minute on-line audio program of mindful eating exercises led by the author. As an added asset it contains a new chapter on how to provide children with a foundation in mindful eating that will serve them well all the rest of their lives. Nothing can be more powerful than teaching our children the importance of obtaining a healthy body and immune system to serve them forever. 

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life by Thich Nhat Hanh

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The modern theory tells us that to lose weight, we must eat less and exercise more. But somehow we get stalled. We start on a weight-loss program with good intentions but cannot stay on track. There are countless fad diets and the fact that the annual spending of over $45 billion on weight loss helps us feel better or lose weight shows there is an incredible issue.

Most are caught in a trap of self-blame, shame, and guilt because we can’t seem to control emotional eating impulses. For many eating is the greatest pleasure they get on a daily basis.

We spend countless hours worrying about what we ate or if we exercised enough, blaming ourselves for actions that we can’t seem to control. We’re stuck in a cycle of being unable to live in the present moment—so much so that we’re almost living in a hypnotic effect and don’t realize we are eating so frequently and so much.

In this great book world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all. 

You will learn about practical tools, including personalized goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide, and a mindful living plan, the authors help us to uncover the roots of our habits and then guide us as we transform our actions. Savor teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise, and all facets of our daily life, so that being conscious and present becomes a core part of our being.

It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization of why we do what we do, that enables us to stop feeling bad and start changing our behavior. Savor not only helps us achieve the healthy weight and well-being we seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to us in every moment.

Mindful Eating: What Zen Masters Can Teach You About Eating and Mindfulness, Including Tips on Intuitive Eating, and Ending Overeating, Binge Eating, Food … and Emotional Eating by Daron McClain

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Are you constantly thinking about food even when you are not eating, or do thoughts of how much, when, what to eat, and how to “become thin” drive your mind around in circles?

Have you tried the many fads and traditional diets yet meeting with another disappointment? At this point you may have found that these diets and exhausting exercise routines have increased your weight and eating problems, instead of helping you?

If the answer to even one of the above questions is a “yes,” you’re in luck because this book on the ancient concept of mindful eating helps you conquer your food, weight, and eating problems on your terms.

Following the suggestions and recommendations given in this book acting as your helpful guide, you will learn to love yourself exactly the way you are and more importantly become healthier and achieve mastery to achieve your ideal weight.

Here are more valuable things you will learn:

What mindful eating is, how it works, and the history behind it.

The benefits of this mindful technique and what it promises.

How mindful eating plays a role in the treatment of eating disorders, including the villain of binge eating and overeating.

What the Zen Masters have to teach you about overeating, binge eating, and emotional eating (this is huge). 

Various tips, tricks, and suggestions to begin the wonderful journey of mindful eating for health and successful weight management.

A step by step approach to help you build very successful mindful eating habits.

17 inspiring celebrity success stories to gain inspiration from.

With this book on mindful eating, information passed on by Zen Masters will get you ready to reduce stress, lose weight, and improve your relationship with food.

Mindful Eating: Develop a Better Relationship with Food through Mindfulness, Overcome Eating Disorders, Overeating, Food Addiction, Emotional and Binge … Enjoy Healthy Weight Loss without Diets by Nathalie Seaton

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Maybe you have tried eating mindfully before, but know that without the relevant and vital information you need, any attempts to change your diet will likely be futile. Let Zen Masters be more to you than the usual meditation teacher.

Or perhaps you have never even heard of mindful eating, but you are desperate to make a change for the better and are willing to try anything?

This book on mindful eating is the ultimate guide and is packed with essential tips and tricks about how you can begin changing your diet for the better, and subsequently improve your life in the process.

It goes beyond the normal diet culture and allows you to have a healthy relationship with food.

What makes this book so appealing is the fact that if you follow the guidance within, you can eat whatever you want!

Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to gain control over your eating habits and make changes for the better. Mindful eating allows you to seek methods that take down eating problems straight forward. You will release their villainous power over you.

The depressing days of stressfully counting calories, restricting what you can eat, and creating a bad relationship with food are over if you decide to learn what’s inside this unuque book.

Reading this book will not only change the way you eat, but it will also change your life. Can you really afford to miss out and such life-altering information? You can’t miss with this great book. 


As you’ve seen, these books will give you tons of confidence and lots of tools and techniques to jump start your mindfulness eating pattern for the rest of your life. If you want to read a more in depth article about what mindfulness is and other ways to apply it to your life read this article HERE>>

Martin Hamilton

Martin enjoys writing and blogging. Martin has a background in Psychology, Mindfulness Practices, and Organizational Development. Martin believes the true teacher never controls anyone's life in any way—instead, they merely explain how to advance consciousness, and that results in true personal freedom.

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